Public Works
The Heiltsuk Public Works Department is tasked with securing, maintaining, and operating physical assets such as equipment necessary to meet the requirements to upkeep roads, sewage, water and other public services required. This includes management and oversight of skilled and trained workers needed to sustain and maintain the services essential for the health, safety and wellbeing of our community and its members. The Heiltsuk Public works department is responsible for; the Martin’s Cover harbour where local boats are moored. It includes oversight of the Water Treatment Plant and Solid Waster Management.

The public works department strives to ensure that the municipal operations
within the community are carried out on a daily and timely basis.
The Water Plant finished the remaining limestone/sand filter replacement
which will ensure the efficient operation of the treatment process. Leak detection
and repairs to household waterlines are issues operators deal with.
The Wastewater Plant treatment has undertaken a replacement program todeal with aging lift station infrastructure, this is ongoing with the five stations.Day to day troubleshooting the system for potential problems is a daily task.Road repairs are ongoing, purchased new road patch which holds up betterunder our challenging weather conditions.Small Craft Harbors is continuing to upgrade Martins cove, with old wharfremoval and some remedial work this spring/summer.
Carmen Beggs