Community Patrol

This department was formed in September 2019 as a support for community safety during the COVID pandemic lockdown. Its mandate is to patrol the streets and check on HTC buildings for security checks. Pertinent information is recorded on a log manifest noting condition of buildings including acts of vandalism, unlocked doors, suspected break and entries, and security equipment malfunction checks. Hours of work are: Sunday to Saturday from 100 pm to 9 pm. Drivers are not permitted to exit vehicles during incidents and are required to contact the RCMP, Fire Department or Program Manager for situations that require immediate attention. Any violations are noted and RCMP detachment is contacted for supports. Drivers under the influence of drugs and alcohol are also monitored and reported to RCMP. Plans are underway to have patrollers ride with RCMP to identify drivers who don’t have licenses or insurance. This department is overseen by Heiltsuk Council’s Program Manager.